In this century, creating a blog or web page might be something you think would be easy. Not in my case. Being to create a web space for a resume or personal projects is, of course, a very valuable skill to possess, especially considering the way the industry seems to be moving.
The problem comes in when the creator of a web space is what I will call “technically impaired.” I fit into this category perfectly. Beyond being able to use the Internet and somewhat skillfully use some computer applications, I’m pretty limited on technical ability. Therefore, creating my very own web space from scratch is nearly impossible for me to do. HTML, FTP, pUTTY… it’s all another language to me, and one that I’m finding to very difficult to decipher and learn.
Creating a blog is a different story. You go to, you sign up for an account, press a couple of buttons and voila! You have a blog. There’s no need to use HTML code. It does it all for you, so it’s much easier for the average citizen of the Internet to create and keep a blog going. So this has been an almost fun experience- blogging I mean. The web space creates some difficulties.
The fact that USC has decided to prepare its students for the ever-increasing technological world definitely shows that the University knows what’s going on. I feel very fortunate being able to take a class and learn the basics about how to create a web site for myself. In the future, I’m sure it will become a skill that everyone must at least have basic knowledge of.
Here we go again
In an endless game of lobbyists’ Whac-A-Mole, it’s a new year and here is
new legislation trying to save the news. Except it’s not new. First, from
2 weeks ago
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